
Interview Questions of OBIEE | Part - 1

1) What is the end to end life cycle of Siebel Analytics ?

Siebel Analytics life cycle

1. Gather Business Requirements
2. Identify source systems
3. Design ETL to load to a DW if source data doesn’t exist.
4. Build a repository
5. Build dashboard or use answers for reporting.
6. Define security (LDAP or External table…)
7. Based on performance, decide on aggregations and/or caching mechanism.
8. Testing and QA.

2) What were you schemas? How does Siebel Architecture works? Explain the three layers. How do you import sources?

There are five parts of Siebel Architecture.

1. Clients
2. Siebel analytics Web Server
3. Siebel analytics server
4. Siebel analytics scheduler
5. data sources
Metadata that represents the analytical Model Is created using the siebel Analytics Administration tool.

Repository divided into three layer
1. Physical – Represents the data Sources
2. Business – models the Data sources into Facts And Dimension
3. Presentation – Specifies the users view of the model;rendered in Siebel answer


3) Did you create any new logical column in BMM layer, how?

Yes. We can create new logical column in BMM layer.
Example: Right click on fact table -new lgical column-give name for new logical column like Total cost.
Now in fact table source,we have one option column mapping, in that we can do all calculation for that new column.

4) Can you use physical join in BMM layer?
o yes we can use physical join in BMM layer.when there is SCD type 2 we need complex join in BMM layer.

5) Can you use outer join in BMM layer?

yes we can.When we are doing complex join in BMM layer ,there is one option type,outer join is there.

” What are other ways of improving summary query reports other than Aggregate Navigation and Cache Management
” Indexes
” Join algorithm
” Mat/view query rewrite
” Web proper report design its optimal by making sure that it is not getting any addition column or rows

6)What is level-base matrics?

Leval-base matrics means, having a measure pinned at a certain level of the dimension. For Example, if you have a measure called “Dollars”, you can create a “Level Based Measure” called “Yearly Dollars” which (you guessed it) is Dollars for a Year. This measure will always return the value for the year even if you drill down to a lower level like quarter, month… etc. To create a level based measure, create a new logical column based on the original measure (like Dollars in the example above). Drag and drop the new logical column to the appropriate level in the Dimension hierarchy (in the above example you will drag and drop it to Year in Time Dim
  • A LBM is a metric that is defined for a specific level or intersection of levels.
  • Monthly Total Sales or Quarterly Sales are the examples.
  • You can compare monthly sales with quarterly sales. You can compare customer orders this quarter to orders this year
7) What is logging level?Where can you set logging levels?
You can enable logging level for individual users; you cannot configure a logging level for a group.
Set the logging level based on the amount of logging you want to do. In normal operations, logging is generally disabled (the logging level is set to 0). If you decide to enable logging, choose a logging
level of 1 or 2. These two levels are designed for use by Siebel Analytics Server administrators.

Set Logging Level

1. In the Administration Tool, select Manage > Security.
2. The Security Manager dialog box appears.
3. Double-click the user.s user ID.
4. The User dialog box appears.
5. Set the logging level by clicking the Up or Down arrows next to the Logging Level field

8) What is variable in sieble?

You can use variables in a repository to streamline administrative tasks and modify metadata content dynamically to adjust to a chainging data environment.The Administration Tool includes a Variable Manager for defining variables
9) What is system variable and non system variable?
System variables
System variables are session variables that the Siebel Analytics Server and Siebel Analytics Web use for specific purposes. System variables have reserved names, which cannot be used for other kinds of variables (such as static or dynamic repository variables, or for nonsystem session variables).
When using these variables in the Web,preface their names with NQ_SESSION. For example, to filter a column on the value of the variable LOGLEVEL set the filter to the Variable NQ_SESSION.LOGLEVEL.
Nonsystem variables.
A common use for nonsystem session variables is setting user filters. For example, you could define a nonsystem variable called SalesRegion that would be initialized to the name of the user.s sales region. You could then set a security filter for all members of a group that would allow them to see only data pertinent to their region.
When using these variables in the Web, preface their names with NQ_SESSION. For example, to filter a column on the value of the variable SalesRegion set the filter to the Variable NQ_SESSION.SalesRegion.

10) If you have 3 facts and 4 dimension and you need to join would you recommend joining fact with fact? If no than what is the option? Why you won’t join fact to fact?
In the BMM layer, create one logical table (fact) and add the 3 fact table as logical table source
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